High quality and favorable price is our thread, Our designers are from the forefront of fashion, advocating the integration of human heart and nature

Focusing on the balance between the spiritual life and real life of the current people, and have been committed to condensing the original needs of new urban women, and shaping the urban Zen with the design concept of understanding nature,The style image of the new city brings more leisurely life mood to the new urban women.


It is our eternal pursuit to let people buy high-quality clothing at low prices.

In modern society, clothing is a symbol of modern trends, national spiritual civilization and material civilization.Modern clothing must have the function of adapting to certain social groups, social concepts and social activities. Therefore, to engage in clothing design, we must first clarify the prerequisites for clothing design.

The functional conditions and principle conditions of clothing are the prerequisites of clothing design, and the prerequisites are specifically expressed in practical conditions, aesthetic conditions, and economic conditions of clothing.


Fashion design pursues practical beauty and visual beauty. Taking the human body as the object, taking the design drawing as the basis, combining with various functions, and using certain expression techniques to complete the shape.

The costume designer must not only consider the design concept of the costume, but also dig out the inspiration from the creation, so that the supporting work of all aspects conforms to his own design intent.


Design is a work of continuous modification and improvement.

Each link determines the completeness and perfection of the design performance. The strictness of the work requirements of each link determines the realm of the designer.

After all, what ultimately reaches the customer is a piece of clothing, a work of art that can show personal charm.

The final production can be completed quickly, but it does not mean perfunctory completion.

Perfect technology and perfect craftsmanship are the prerequisites for our rapid production.